Find boba and bubble tea nearby - when you’re craving bubble tea, or in a different part of town. Submit stores, edits and feedback in-app.
★ Includes stores in Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, UK and USA.
★ The database of stores is always expanding. Store owners, employees and customers submit edits, and new and missing stores in-app.
★ Find and try different brands and stores
★ Find stores on a map, or listed by distance or by open vs closed
★ Open/closed information, hours and distance
★ Keep track of every store that you've visited
★ Save boba and bubble tea stores for quick access
★ Rate stores and see how others have rated stores
★ Share stores with your friends
★ Show route to stores
★ Upgrade in-app to turn off ads